How to create an Avatar generator app in ReactJS ?
In this article, we are going to make a simple avatar generator app that generates random images. In this avatar generator, we have several buttons for different categories to choose from, the next button to generate random images, and a download button to finally download your favorite avatar....
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Create a Random Joke using React app through API
In this tutorial, we’ll make a website that fetches data (joke) from an external API and displays it on the screen. We’ll be using React completely to base this website. Each time we reload the page and click the button, a new joke fetched and rendered on the screen by React. As we are using React for this project, we need not reload the page to display the fetched data....
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How to create a Dictionary App in ReactJS ?
In this article, we will be building a very simple Dictionary app with the help of an API. This is a perfect project for beginners as it will teach you how to fetch information from an API and display it and some basics of how React actually works. Also, we will learn about how to use React icons. Let’s begin....
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Random Quote Generator App using ReactJS
In this article, we will create an application that uses an API to generate random quotes. The user will be given a button which on click will fetch a random quote from the API and display it on the screen. Users can generate many advices by clicking the button again. The button and the quotes are displayed beautifully using CSS styling to create a good user interface....
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Building a Task Reminder App with Next.js
In this article, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of creating a basic task reminder app with Next.JS. This application will provide users with a user-friendly interface for adding the title of the task, its description, and its due date & time. The user will also be notified through a pop-up 1 minute before the task scheduled time....
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Todo List Application using MERN
Todo list web application using MERN stack is a project that basically implements basic CRUD operation using MERN stack (MongoDB, Express JS, Node JS, React JS). The users can read, add, update, and delete their to-do list in the table using the web interface. The application gives a feature to the user to add a deadline to their task so that it user can be reminded of the last day to complete the project...
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Create a meme generator by using ReactJS
In this tutorial, we’ll create a meme generator using ReactJS. In the meme generator, we have two text fields in which we enter the first text and last text. After writing the text when we click the Gen button, it creates a meme with an image and the text written on it....
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Event Calendar using React
The Event calender using react basically displays a calendar with the additional feature of adding an event on a particular date by selecting it. User can also delete the event if he/she wants to delete it. All this logic of event creation and deletion is implemented using JSX. This project is useful in making applications where we have to create an event and set a reminder....
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Movie Trailer app using ReactJS
In this article, we are going to make a simple app that searches for any movie/web series trailers. The users can search for their favourite movie trailers using this application. The API will fetch the trailer from the internet and display it on the webpage. We will use ‘movie-trailer’ npm package to find such URLs and display the content using another npm package called ‘react-player’....
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How to create a video to GIF converter using ReactJS ?
When you think about a GIF image, a video is a must convert into a .gif format to an image. For this project, we are using FFMPEG library utility written in the C programming language. With the support of web Assembly, it can run in browsers easily without any need for a server, also here we are using the ReactJS library to make it simple and more understandable....
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BMI Calculator Using React
In this article, we will create a BMI Calculator application using the ReactJS framework. A BMI calculator finds the relation between height and weight of a person. It gives a numerical value based on which the individual is categorised into underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese....
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Expense Tracker using React
The Expense Tracker project is a web application developed using React. Its main purpose is to assist users in keeping track of their expenses. With this app, users can easily add, and delete expenses to view a summary of their spending habits as well and it will show the available balance the user has left. Building an Expense Tracker, with React helps users learn. Also allows them to practice creating web applications....
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